
This page contains links to a few semi-private pages on our website.  They contain information for FMSA regular members and attenders that we don’t want broadcasted across the internet.  None of these is linked to our menu system, which should keep crawling bots at bay. 

Currently, we have three categories of hidden pages:


  1. A calendar of events taking place in the Meetinghouse.  Right now, these include our Sunday Meetings for Worship, garden work days, and a few events sponsored by the groups that rent space from us.  As we reopen, they will include committee meetings, 2nd Thursday get-togethers, etc. Click HERE to see when the Meetinghouse is in use and when it is free.  Please direct questions or requests for reservations to the Meeting Rental Coordinator (rentals@saquakers.org) or the Meeting Clerk (clerk@saquakers.org), as only some of the events use the entire meeting space.  

  2. A calendar of events taking place on Zoom.  We have just a single Zoom account, so it is important that two groups don’t try to use it at the same time.  Click HERE to see when our Zoom account will be in use.  Committees are requested to check the calendar and notify the Meeting Technology Coordinator (tech@saquakers.org) or the Meeting Clerk (clerk@saquakers.org) when they wish to add a meeting to the calendar.

  3. A calendar listing who has volunteered to run tech for various Quaker events (10am Meetings for Worship, after-Meeting forums, Business Meetings, weddings, memorial services, etc.).  Please get in touch with the Technology Coordinator or Clerk if you want regular access to this calendar so you can sign up directly.


We have a small but growing page of short videos about how to do various things on the website. 

  1. One shows you how to add an event to the regular Meeting Website Calendar (the one at https://sanantonioquakers.org/calendar/, not the hidden calendars mentioned above). 
  2. Another shows how to post events to the Quaker Discussions page (https://sanantonioquakers.org/bulletin-board/)   
  3. A third shows how to send out an announcement about Sunday Meeting for Worship, Quaker events, etc.

Click HERE to see links to our current and planned videos.  

Please write the Clerk if you wish us to add other short videos about how to handle Meeting tech.