Business Meeting Agenda & Reports

Agenda for the July 21st Business Meeting

(See calendar Zoom details: same as Meeting for Worship)

Please click the links to review this month’s reports.
(Past reports can be found by consulting previous months’ Minutes.)


  • Opening Worship
  • Query
  • Clerk’s Comments
  • Approval of July 21 Minutes — posted
    — Click link to review the minutes

Committee Reports:

(if there’s no link, then the reports haven’t yet been uploaded;
please read what’s here and then return to read the rest)

  • Treasurer’s Reports:
    — Click for May Treasurer’s Report 

    This document includes the Overview, the Balance Sheet, and the Statement of Activities. 
  • Ministry & Care:
    — Click for the Ministry & Care Report 
  • Property Committee:
    Click for the Property Committee Report 

Other Business


Clerk’s Reminders


Other Announcements

  • Please send notices for the newsletter to NOW