
Advice for July

Do you gently and patiently accept the social consequences of speaking the truth?


Week of Apr 25th

  • Meeting for Worship on Zoom

    Meeting for Worship on Zoom

    April 25, 2021

    10-11am Unprogrammed Worship


    To join by computer: Click HERE

    Zoom ID #976 0522 6497
    passcode: 194077
    Phone+1 346 248 7799, then enter ID#

  • Forum on Immigration

    Forum on Immigration

    April 28, 2021

    What's Happening with Immigration after Biden's First 100 Days?

    Please join us for an interactive conversation on where we stand with immigration policy 100 days into the Biden-Harris Administration. We will have opportunities for letter signing and other advocacy suggestions, as well as plenty of time for Q and A.

    Led by Sara Ramey of the Migrant Center for Human Rights
    Co-Sponsored by the Friends Meeting of San Antonio and Friends Meeting of Fort Worth

    ID #976 0522 6497To join by Zoom: Click HERE

    passcode: 194077
    Phone+1 346 248 7799, then enter ID#

  • Friday Morning Worship on Zoom

    Friday Morning Worship on Zoom

    April 30, 2021

    To join by Zoom: Click HERE Opens in new tab

    ID #976 0522 6497
    passcode: 194077

    Phone: +1 346 248 7799, then enter ID#