
Advice for June

How can we maintain a dialogue with persons who have sharply different beliefs and views from our own?


Week of Jan 17th

  • Dream Week Dialogue with Pamela Boyce Simms

    Dream Week Dialogue with Pamela Boyce Simms

    January 22, 2021

    Public Conversation:

    The Legacy of Martin Luther King in Troubled Times:
    A Dialogue with Pamela Boyce Simms on
    Lessons from Dr. King to Us Today 

    Ms. Boyce Simms, a Quaker thought-leader and activist, will challenge the participants to apply the principles of nonviolent action to the situation we find after the inauguration of President Biden. Dr. King called for a broad coalition to address the problems of his time. We are called now to rebuild trust and respect in a divided country through coalitions. We will explore our options together.

    6:00pm Central : 7:00pm Eastern

    Photo from the 2019 MLK March in San Antonio.

    6:00pm Central : 7:00pm Eastern

    Join us by Zoom: CLICK HERE

    Meeting ID: 919 4732 0310
    Passcode: 876679

    Phone+1 346 248 7799, then enter ID#