
Advice for June

How can we maintain a dialogue with persons who have sharply different beliefs and views from our own?


Events in May 2021

  • Silent Retreat

    Silent Retreat

    May 8, 2021

    A silent retreat at the Meetinghouse grounds. Please get in touch with Ministry and Oversight ( if you would like to participate.  Masks and distancing, but also worshipful connection.

  • Forum: Title TBA

    Forum: Title TBA

    May 12, 2021

    Details TBA

  • May Quaker Fair

    May Quaker Fair

    May 22, 2021

    POSTPONED TO MAY 22nd!! (due to rain)
    This year's Fair will be a neighborhood yard sale in the parking lot. Meeting will feature books and baked goods [donated, not home baked this year].
    We will follow CDC guidelines re masks, distancing and sanitizers. F/friends please wear FMSA tee-shirts & name tags, bring shopping bags, invite family, friends, and neighbors.
    The timetable is:
    • 7:30: set up tables & tents;
    • 8:00: Friends & neighbors set up;
    • 9:00-1:00: sell, then take everything down.
    See more on our Special Events page.