
Advice for July

Do you gently and patiently accept the social consequences of speaking the truth?


September 5, 2021

Traditional Meeting for Worship

Traditional Meeting for Worship

September 5, 2021

Please join us in the Meeting Room for safe, distanced Meeting for Worship.

  • This is in-person worship only.
  • No more than two individuals or one family group per bench.
  • Masks required for those who are not vaccinated.
  • Masks highly recommended for those who are.

(These rules will change when the COVID level decreases in San Antonio..)

Meeting for Worship on Zoom

Meeting for Worship on Zoom

September 5, 2021

10-11am Unprogrammed Worship


To join by computer: Click HERE

Zoom ID #976 0522 6497
passcode: 194077
Phone+1 346 248 7799, then enter ID#

Forum on "The Call to Radical Faithfulness" (part 1)

Forum on "The Call to Radical Faithfulness" (part 1)

September 5, 2021

This forum is Part I of a series based on a short book:

Douglas Gwynn: The Call to Radical Faithfulness:  Covenant in Quaker Experience.

Gary Whiting will lead the discussion.  He will have copies of the book available at Meeting for Worship throughout August.  You can also buy a copy for $10 at FGC Quakerbooks.  

Gwyn addresses an often unacknowledged schism in both our little Society and our larger society -- between the insistence on a Christocentric orientation and a love for the unity brought about by universalistic sensibilities.  This is no small issue, though Gwyn feels that the story of our Society embodies the solution.

Part I of the book consists of stories of early Quakers and the peril they underwent.  Gwyn thinks that knowing these stories is essential "because Quaker faith is experiential rather than creedal, our theology is narrative in character".  He feels that our roots run deep into these early narratives, and that these sensibilities must be absorbed for our Society to blossom into a healing force in the modern world.

Part II of this discussion will take place on October 10th.  It will focus on the book's Part II, which how Quaker faith and practice through the centuries has expressed and enacted a covenantal life in the changing circumstances of a modern world.

We welcome attendance both in-person and by Zoom.