
Advice for June

How can we maintain a dialogue with persons who have sharply different beliefs and views from our own?


Week of Feb 2nd

  • Blended Meeting for Worship

    Blended Meeting for Worship

    January 29, 2023

    Please join us in the Meeting Room for safe, distanced Meeting for Worship.
    If you are unable to attend in person, then you are welcome to join us by Zoom.

    In person:

    • No more than two individuals or one family group per bench.
    • Masks required for all.
    • Vaccination highly recommended.


    To join by Zoom: Click HERE

    Zoom ID #976 0522 6497
    passcode: 194077
    Phone+1 346 248 7799, then enter ID#

    Discussion on the State of the Meeting

    Discussion on the State of the Meeting

    January 29, 2023

    Each year, Friends gather to plan our annual report to South Central Yearly Meeting about "The State of the Meeting". Please join us to weigh how things have gone with us this past year: positive, negative, or neutral.  We have found such discussions to be helpful as we discern our way forward  each year.

    You can read past State of the Meeting Reports at

  • Friday Morning Worship on Zoom

    Friday Morning Worship on Zoom

    February 3, 2023

    To join by Zoom: Click HERE Opens in new tab

    ID #976 0522 6497
    passcode: 194077

    Phone: +1 346 248 7799, then enter ID#