
Advice for June

How can we maintain a dialogue with persons who have sharply different beliefs and views from our own?


November 12, 2022

Meeting Retreat: On the Power of Truth that Strengthens and Heals

Meeting Retreat: On the Power of Truth that Strengthens and Heals

November 12, 2022

Friends will gather for a retreat focused on the question: "If Meeting for Worship is meant to be a restorative time, or even redemptive, what is this power or Truth that strengthens and heals?"

Friends will gather to explore this question in worship, worship-sharing and fellowship. Children will be cared for so that their parents may join the process without concern. 9am-3pm; you may come for all or part of the event.

The themes of the Retreat grew out of the discussions led by Gary Whiting, the “Shared Intent” of worship. The morning will consider the “what” of Quaker silent worship, and the afternoon will continue with “why” we do it together. As we listen to each other, and as we are heard, we strive to know better the truth that shows itself in our lives, and to find a way to share that with others, in the Retreat and in Meeting.