
Advice for June

How can we maintain a dialogue with persons who have sharply different beliefs and views from our own?


Forum: Encountering Transcendence

August 13, 2023

People of all times and places have had a sense that there is more to life than what presents itself to our everyday thinking.  Some turn to books (holy or otherwise) to learn about this 'something more'.  Others seek to encounter it directly.  Either path may lead to a different sense of being in the world and a different way of living in it.
    • How have you sought 'something more' out of life?
    • Which paths have led you well and which have led you astray?
    • What is your present sense or understanding of the 'something more' that you have sought or are seeking?
    • How has the journey changed you?
Jim Spickard will introduce and facilitate this discussion.

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