Forum: Topic: How Do Quakers Get Things Done?

11:30 am 12:30 pm
December 11, 2022

Friends Meeting has no paid staff.  How do we get our Meeting work done?  Much of the work is done by committees.  Among them:

  • Ministry, Care, and Guidance attends to the depth of our Meetings for Worship, the care of our members and attenders, and the larger issues facing the Meeting
  • Religious Education supervises the Children's Program and provides forums, short classes, and other programs on Quaker issues.
  • Peace and Social Concerns organizes the Meeting's social and political outreach.
  • Property oversees our physical plant.
  • Finance oversees our finances.
  • Community Engagement organizes our hospitality before and after our Meetings for Worship and attends to our Meeting publicity.
  • Nominating matches Friends' skills and interests to the various jobs that we have to do.

Join us for a "speed-dating' session where you can learn how each committee works and possibly how you might fit in.

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